PCA Generally

All PCA (Prescribed Content Alcohol) offences are considered as major offences.  There is a difference between a PCA and DUI (Driving Under the Influence).  There are very few DUI offences still in existence; as many have since been replaced by the current PCA offences.

Generally, the Law prescribes that it is an offence for a person to drive or operate a vehicle whilst under the influence of a drug or alcohol. Penalties will depend on the type of offence committed; the prior driving history of the driver and other relevant circumstances.

Upon conviction for a major offence a period of automatic licence disqualification applies.  When the matter comes before the court, the magistrates hearing your matter may take into account the effects of disqualification on you when deciding what penalty should be imposed on you, including a goal sentence.

The court has the power to reduce or extend the automatic disqualification period, as it thinks fit subject to the minimum period outlined under the act.  The court can also impose another penalty on top of a disqualification period. These may include a good behaviour bond or a fine.

A criminal conviction will also probably be recorded against you.

There are five different categories of PCA offences. They have been outlined in the below table.

1st Offence:

Alcohol Level Maximum
Maximum Goal
Novice Range
$1,100 6 months 3 months
$1,100 6 months 3 months
$1,100 6 months 3 months
$2,200 12 months 6 months 9 months
HighRange  $3,300 3 years 12 months 18 months

Antwan Lawyers are expert solicitors in all drink driving matters and will provide you with the best legal representation for all PCA, DUI police charges and any traffic offence.

We will give accurate advice about drink driving penalties, fines, disqualification periods, habitual offender declarations, Interlock devices, breath test, breath analysis, traffic offenders programs, the guideline judgment for high range drink driving and much more and all sentencing options including a “Section 10” dismissal of the charges.

You may be unaware of the legal redress or defences available to you. Don’t risk it. A criminal conviction is forever and will affect your future employment. Losing your license could mean loss of your job.

Antwan Lawyers are determined to overcome any issue no matter how complex and always seek to act in your best interests to make certain that the best possible result is achieved for you.